Tuesday 22 January 2013

Bad Work Day

Some days at work are tough. Especially when u get taken off a work u r doing well and get thrust into a section of work that is detested by many. It seems like that is the way things are with me. May be its part of the development process.

Now you have set of people from my previous work who thought I was the best man for an upcoming work. That thought happened because they themselves know this work ain't a focus field and is not an easy task. It involves tons and tons of paper-work, bureaucracy and associated politics to be done away with and that is a responsibility they could not take. Now, that is what I call smart work. In the kind of environment I work in, this is the easy way out. Find a scape goat, put him to the sword and get appreciated and thereby promoted.

Injustice seems to be the way, and it is not something I should stand by and see. I am still young and very eligible to seek alternate options. As time moves, I think its time I seriously think of moving across from this domain, into a domain I like or on to something more prestigious.

I would love to read more, write more, travel more, take some great snaps, enjoy some great variety of foods etc. Its probably like this. The Bad days are probably the eye openers, probably the day where u become the cynical about everything that is. Probably its good, that one assesses his options time and again.

At times when there are a hundred things running parallel, it drives you mad. This change might be beneficial in that respect as much of the head banging my current section bought might get cut out and there lies the negative point too. I stand a greater chance to fail in my new assignment. It's untested its fucking moronic and what not.

Berating here always has a positive effect here. Seems like I should be here more often.


Sunday 20 January 2013

Password Problem

Yet another day, a Sunday has whizzed past and all that remains of it are the promises of a brighter tomorrow.

I always fumble trying to login here, I seem to have created some 200 odd passwords for my 100 odd activities that require a username and password and it always becomes messy - the login process. I have endlessly pondered on the need to document my passwords somewhere.

Much has been written about password security and how people crack them using some questions. So, what I normally do, while registering myself, set myself IDs & passwords related to my previous but differ in a very minute way and I have also developed a habit of mixing up the way I answer my question for unlock password.

So what?

I register myself with the above said procedure and come back an year back, or sometimes a month back and find myself unable to proceed. The reason being unable to retrieve from the cob-webs inside my head the password and sometimes the username as well. Then I try for the question to reset and I find myself more confused.

It's lucky certain applications have a reset password link that sends across a link for reset and activation, but that isn't case with a google or a yahoo and also with some institutional logins. Without a reset link, you are stuck and lost, leading to a new ID registration in times of dire need.


I am off.