Sunday, 20 January 2013

Password Problem

Yet another day, a Sunday has whizzed past and all that remains of it are the promises of a brighter tomorrow.

I always fumble trying to login here, I seem to have created some 200 odd passwords for my 100 odd activities that require a username and password and it always becomes messy - the login process. I have endlessly pondered on the need to document my passwords somewhere.

Much has been written about password security and how people crack them using some questions. So, what I normally do, while registering myself, set myself IDs & passwords related to my previous but differ in a very minute way and I have also developed a habit of mixing up the way I answer my question for unlock password.

So what?

I register myself with the above said procedure and come back an year back, or sometimes a month back and find myself unable to proceed. The reason being unable to retrieve from the cob-webs inside my head the password and sometimes the username as well. Then I try for the question to reset and I find myself more confused.

It's lucky certain applications have a reset password link that sends across a link for reset and activation, but that isn't case with a google or a yahoo and also with some institutional logins. Without a reset link, you are stuck and lost, leading to a new ID registration in times of dire need.


I am off.

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